As widely reported, a number of people were killed or injured in the traditional Water Festival in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 11th November, 2010. Around 350 of spectators were killed and 400 injured as they fell down upon and crushed one another on the over-crowded bridge.
Following the accident, we called for emergency donation for victims. We are pleased to report here that the total amount of 190,000 JPY has been collected, thanks to goodwill and generosity of many people including our supporters. We sincerely thank all of those who kindly made donation for Cambodian victims.
All the donation is has been passed onto SNCTC (Secretariat of National Counter Terrorism Committee) of Cambodia, the governmental institution in charge of emergency system, by Shigemi Kitahara, Director of Japan Medical Development Organization on 16th December, 2010.
The donation will be used for shipping a water tanker to Cambodia. This water tanker is a donation from Japan and will help emergency activity. We will upload information on this page as soon as we hear the arrival of the shipment. Let us express our greatest gratitude for everyone who kindly offered their cooperation with the donation. Thank you very much!