
Dr. Kitahara is a neurosurgeon, who runs his own hospital in Tokyo.
At the same time, he challenges to reform healthcare and medical system in Japan and globally through his business and NGO activity.
He proposes that outbound medial tourism, healthcare / medical exportation, should be the way to follow, not inbound medical tourism.
He points out some risks of inbound medical tourism.
Sunrise Japan Hospital, newly open in Phnom Penh Cambodia this year, should be the first case of outbound medical exportation from Japan.
What is the true aim of Sunrise Japan Hospital project? What does Dr. Kitahara seeing as ideal state of healthcare?
Please see here for the details!
脳外科医で病院を運営するかたわら株式会社、NGOにて、日本、 世界の医療改革に着手している北原茂実。 彼はインバウンドのメディカルツーリズムの持つ危険性を指摘して いる。 彼はアウトバウンド型の医療輸出を目指すべきだと提案している。 今年、カンボジアのプノンペンにオープンするsunrise japan hospitalはアウトバウンド型の医療輸出第1弾だ。 sunrise japan hospitalが目指すあるべき医療輸出の姿とは? 北原が目指すあるべき医療の姿とは?