6月17日より、当NGOの理学療法士による学生への実習指導が始まりました。Technical School for Medical Care(TSMC)という学校がカンボジアで唯一、理学療法士の教育を行っています。今回、TSMCの2年生がコサマック病院での実習が開始となったため、脳神経疾患、脊椎疾患のリハビリを現在教えています。
From June/17th, Physicaltherapy training is starting by JMDO physical therapist. The A medical school which calls “Technical School for Medical Care(TSMC)” only have the course “Physical therapist” in Cambodia. In this time, 2nd year of students come to Kossamak hospital for practice of Rehabilitation, so we are teaching rehabilitaion of neurosurgical and spine disease.
From next week, it will be staring the lecture at TSMC. We will try to give basic rehabilitaion on practice and lectures.